Bingo caller sheet
Bingo caller sheet

bingo caller sheet

bingo caller sheet

42 That famous street in Manhattan | Whinny the Pooh - Four and two, forty two.41 Time for fun - Four and one, forty one.39 Those famous steps - Three and nine, thirty nine.38 Christmas cake - Three and eight, thirty eight.37 A flea in heaven - Three and seven, thirty seven.36 Three dozen - Three and six, thirty six.35 Jump and jive - Three and five, thirty five.34 Ask for more - Three and four, thirty four.33 Dirty knees | All the feathers | Two little fleas | Sherwood Forest - All the threes, thirty three.32 Buckle my Shoe - Three and two, thirty two.31 Get up and run - Three and one, thirty one.30 Burlington Bertie | Dirty Gertie | Speed limit | Flirty thirty | Blind 30 - Three oh, thirty.29 You're doing fine - Two and nine, twenty nine.28 In a state | Over weight - Two and eight, twenty eight.27 Little duck with a crutch | Gateway to heaven - Two and seven, twenty seven.26 Bed and breakfast | Half a crown | Pick and mix - Two and six, twenty six.25 Duck and dive - Two and five, twenty five.24 Two dozen - Two and four, twenty four.23 Thee and me | The Lord is my Shepherd - Two and three, twenty three.22 Two little ducks - All the twos, twenty two.21 Key of the door - Two and one, twenty one.20 Getting plenty | Blind 20 - Two oh, twenty.19 Goodbye teens - One and nine, nineteen.18 Key of the door | Coming of age - One and eight, eighteen.17 Often been kissed | Dancing Queen - One and seven, seventeen.16 Sweet sixteen | Never been kissed - One and six, sixteen.15 Rugby team | Young and keen - One and five, fifteen.14 Valentine's Day - One and four, fourteen.13 Unlucky for some | Devil's number | Bakers dozen - One and three, thirteen.12 One dozen | A monkey's cousin (rhymes with "a dozen") - One and two, twelve.9 Doctor's orders - On its own, number nine.8 One Fat Lady - On its own, number eight.7 God's in heaven | Lucky seven - On its own, number seven.6 Tom's tricks - On its own, number six.4 Knock at the door - On its own, number four.3 You and me - On its own, number three.2 Me and you | One little duck - On its own, number two.1 Kelly's eye | Blind one - On its own, number one.There's no hard and fast rules about these rhymes, so have fun with them. Also, don't be afraid to make up some of your own number rhymes, and alter those that you think need updating or pepping up. If you're just stepped on stage at the local bingo hall, they won't. If you're having a bit of fun down at the church hall, they might be acceptable. Remember the popular ones, and you'll get a smile from your players.Ĭheck first before you start you calling career to see if the rhymes are required or not. There are a number of variants here in these rhymes, and some which you won't use. They are, however, still used in a number of places such as charity events and social clubs. In the retail world of bingo, these rhymes are no longer used as they slow the game up too much. If you want to pep it up more, though, and you're in a situation where it's applicable, you can use the old-fashioned bingo rhymes to get players enjoying their games as much as you! Bingo Numbers and Their Rhymes These simple tips will help your bingo game go with a swing.

bingo caller sheet

  • Most of all, have fun as you're going along otherwise, it can soon turn out to be a real drag.
  • Don't forget to reset the equipment before you start your next game!.
  • Remember, the caller's rulings are final if people don't like it, then that's up to them.
  • If you don't, you will soon sound monotonous and send the players to sleep rather than waking them up with the thrill of a win!
  • Try to vary the tone of your voice as you proceed.
  • Try to keep a simple rhythm in your speed of calling. If the player called house late on the number before the one you just finished calling, they have lost their claim.
  • Listen for a shout however, if you've already started calling a number, you must finish it before attending to the claim.
  • Your throat will quickly become dry as you call the numbers, so keep it lubricated.
  • Have a glass of water or something stronger close to hand, but not too strong.
  • For example, "If we're ready, we're looking for the next number, which is.


    Always warn players what game you're about to play-"We're looking for the line on the pink ticket, looking for the full house, etc."-and also warn the players you're about to start calling, too.If you can make them smile now, they'll be more forgiving if you make a mistake later. Don't be afraid to have a joke with your audience.Familiarise yourself with the equipment before you start-whether it be a terminal or a roll cage, you don't want to accidentally cancel the game halfway through.

    Bingo caller sheet