Copper bracelet
Copper bracelet

copper bracelet

People may be tricked into thinking that devices like these work because of what Richmond calls a very common fallacy in logic. “If such theories were valid, the human body would explode when placed in a MRI machine. “Again, the more you look into these theories, the more you realize they are just bunkum: Iron in the blood is not ferromagnetic, and commercially available magnetic wrist straps will not alter blood flow,” says Richmond.


With magnets, the idea is that magnets placed against the skin influence the circulation of iron in the blood, which helps deliver nutrients to the joints. “This stems back to the theory of metallotherapy the mid-19th century, which was debunked through early clinical research,” explains Richmond. The basic idea with copper bracelets is that our bodies are somehow deficient in the copper and that copper will be leached from the bracelets into the skin to ease joint inflammation. “In my research I set out to confuse the heck out of participants so they couldn't tell which device was real and which was a placebo,” says one researcher, Stewart Richmond, PhD, research fellow at the University of York, in England.

copper bracelet

A few small studies showed that magnets may offer some pain benefit in osteoarthritis, but these results have not been replicated or expanded to larger trials. Placebo-controlled trials have been done in both osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). But studies confirm these treatments are ineffective for arthritis pain.Īccording to studies published over the years, magnetic wrist straps and copper bracelets don’t work on arthritis pain or stiffness. Magnet therapy or wearing copper jewelry may seem attractive for easing your arthritis pain simply and inexpensively.

Copper bracelet